Topteam Water in Andijk.

The Topteam Water visited Andijk on September 24. Chairman Hans Huis in ‘t Veld, Pex Langenberg (program director Topsector Water & Water International ), Willem Buys (CEO Hatenboer-Water) and Marcelien Bos (Communications) listened to presentations of Martien den Blanken (CEO PWN), Jonathan Clement (CEO PWN Technologies) en Gilbert Galjaard (Director R&D) about PWN Technologies, its innovations and international activities.

The Topteam was invited because of their key role in advising the government and ministries about financing and guarantees for companies and their international activities.

From the start, this has been an important issue for PWN Technologies. Numerous companies can get support through small and medium sized business arrangements for their international efforts. PWN Technologies cannot use that arrangement because we are a subsidiary. Usually the parent company asks for government guarantees or supports the subsidiary financially in international activities.

PWN Technologies has a ‘parent’ that cannot grant or ask for finance. PWN is a public company that is paid by province locals for their water usage. The amount paid is established by the province. The province decides which financial risks are to be taken by PWN which puts PWN Technologies between a rock and a hard place.

On the one hand we are an independent company, financially separated from our parent. On the other hand  the parent is our sole shareholder and her funding is limited.

To benefit companies like PWN Technologies we advocate to broaden the current finance and guarantee arrangement with the government (and the Topteam Water). It appears that more opportunities are arising for companies like PWN Technologies in the new Budget Memorandum.
